Monday, 05 December 2011

A Powerful Home Business Marketing Tool

One of the best home business marketing tool is a business blog. What makes a business blog one of the top notch marketing idea for a home business is that its easy to create, inexpensive to build and its so casual and conversational that the owner can draw consumers in a non threatening way.
Trust is the key to successful home business marketing and blogs build trust. The approach is non confrontational, subtle and encourages two way conversations. Trust comes in the openness of the blog. Its a fact that people buy people, they don't buy products. Consumers have to trust and like the entrepreneur or they don't buy the product. Blogs build this relationship that brings in the sales.
So, what makes a blog one of the best marketing weapon is that it drives a lot more traffic to the business Web site, it generates more business sales and it creates a secondary income stream and offers personable, efficient and timely customer service.
To create a great blog and use it successful as a marketing tool for the home business, the owner must become a talented blogger. There are three things she or he must accomplish to achieve great blogging status. The first is a distinct blog voice. A blog should have the tone of a forum, a place where the ideas of the blogger and others can flourish and where topics totally unrelated (or seemingly unrelated) can be discussed and debated without disparagement of others opinions. It doesn't take an Ernest Hemingway to write a great blog. It just takes an interest in and devotion to the subject matter.
The content must be relevant to the audience, however, so while it doesn't have to be exactly on the topic, it does need to have some relevance. In other words, a landscaper might have a blog that discusses various lawn care ideas and the forum postings might segue over to neighborhood eyesores and what to do about them and that's okay. Because the blogger may add some suggestions which will present him or her as an expert on how to create a beautiful front yard from a garbage heap. What wouldn't be very useful is to let the discussion get around to the price of auto insurance. What help is that going to be to ideas about marketing the home landscape business.
Regular blog updates are great marketing ideas and the key to bringing people back often to the home business site. To not update regularly would be to invite people to stay away. After all, who wants to read yesterdays news especially if they already read it yesterday.

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